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Extendicare COVID-19 Response
Posted: 2020-10-02October 2, 2020
As we come to the end of month seven of the pandemic, our focus at Extendicare remains steadfast on providing the care and service that residents, clients, patients, team members and families rightfully expect. We are very grateful for the hard work, care and commitment our team has displayed to our residents, clients and patients.
COVID-19 Outdoor Visit Guidelines
Posted: 2020-06-25Prior to planning your visit please review the outdoor visit guidelines.
Message from President & CEO, Dr. Michael Guerriere
Posted: 2020-05-05As Canada continues to navigate the fast-evolving challenge of COVID-19, the tragic impact to vulnerable populations seen around the world has also been realized here at home.
While it has been a difficult time for residents, clients, patients, team members and families, our focus remains steadfast on providing the care and service our community expects of us and our resolve remains strong.
Extendicare Zoom Guide
Posted: 2020-05-01Extendicare Zoom Guide
Extendicare is Hiring
Posted: 2020-05-01We're hiring in the Ottawa and Great Toronto Area!
Extendicare Family Members Letter from President & CEO, Dr. Michael Guerriere
Posted: 2020-04-21I am writing at what I know is an exceptionally difficult time for you and your family.
First and foremost, I want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to protect your loved one in our homes.
Thank You Advertisement in National Newspapers
Posted: 2020-04-18We are tremendously grateful to all of our team members across the country.
Extendicare Resident and Family Letter re: COVID-19 Update
Posted: 2020-04-16For the last few months, COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has dominated the news cycle and caused concern in our communities and across the globe. The care and safety of our residents, clients, patients, team members and families are our top priority. I am writing to assure you that we take the COVID-19 situation very seriously and we are following Public Health Authority directives to ensure everyone’s safety.
Extendicare Statement to CBC Go Public
Posted: 2020-02-24The following is the full statement which was provided to CBC Go Public by Extendicare in response to issues raised regarding Extendicare Athabasca: