Extendicare Crossing Bridge

How we help enrich lives

If we are going to help our residents live better, then it is our responsibility to offer them every opportunity to be actively engaged and involved. At Extendicare Crossing Bridge, we provide social and recreational services seven days a week - including holidays. These services are designed to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of our residents. All activities are developed, organized and led by qualified staff and we offer both group and individualized services to meet residents’ unique needs and circumstances. Examples of our recreational services and activities include:

  • Accessible Location: Crossing Bridge is a multi-story home with beautifully landscaped grounds that the residents enjoy. It is also well situated for easy access to many conveniences and amenities.
  • Snoezelen Room: Our Snoezelen Room is a sensory stimulation environment full of lights, smells, tactile surfaces and sounds for residents with dementia. Sessions are 15 to 20 minutes long with one resident and one staff. Sights, smells and sounds are geared to the resident’s personal history and it is very effective in calming agitated residents and creating positive responses.
  • Music and Memory: Through our Music and Memory program, residents living with dementia can have their own personal playlist loaded on an iPod and listen with earphones to their favourite music.
  • Pet Therapy: Through our Pet Therapy program, 2 therapy dogs are brought into the home once a week for one-on-one visits with residents. In addition, once a month the local Humane Society brings a selection of cats and dogs into the home to interact with residents.
  • Live Entertainment: There is live entertainment at least once a month that can range from singing to a violinist.
  • Monthly BBQ: Family, residents and staff enjoy the once a month barbeque during warm weather.
  • Weekly Exercise Class: We hold weekly exercise programs for building flexibility and balance, plus a weekly program focused specifically on strength training.
  • Brain Training: We have weekly Brain Training which features games like trivia, puzzles and others.
  • Happy Hour: Our residents enjoy Happy Hour 3 times a week to relax and interact over a maximum of 2 drinks.
  • Baking Club: The Baking Club gets together twice a week to whip up their favourite recipes.
  • Vocal Choir: Our choir convenes at least once a week, and more in the fall and winter in preparation for the holiday season.
  • Order Out & Take In Night: The weekly Order Out & Take In Night is popular as residents feast on their favourite take out food ranging from Chinese to Greek.
  • Breakfast Club: Our Breakfast Club is held every Friday morning and it’s a family/resident favourite as they get to order from a traditional breakfast menu.
  • Monthly Birthday Bash: The Monthly Birthday Bash is a celebration of all resident’s birthdays during the month.
  • Tea and Talk: Tea and Talk is a twice-monthly get together to reminisce, discuss current events and talk about the headlines.
  • Men’s and Women’s Clubs: Once a month, both the Men’s and Women’s Clubs hold meetings to discuss the state of the world.
  • Coffee House: Family members and residents enjoy the once a week morning Coffee House where they can meet and talk about things over a coffee.

We also offer a wide range of physiotherapy, cognitive, speech and occupational therapies according to the needs of our residents. Currently we offer:

  • Registered Respiratory Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Therapist